
Sergey Lagodinsky

Member, European Parliament

Sergey Lagodinsky, born in 1975 in Astrakhan, Russia, is a German Member of the European Parliament in the Greens/EFA Group. He is Vice-Chair of the Legal Affairs committee as well as Substitute Member of the Civil Liberties/Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs committees.


He is the shadow rapporteur for the Artificial Intelligence Act in the joint report of the IMCO and LIBE committee in the European Parliament. He previously negotiated a number of AI-related legislative initiatives, such as the Parliament’s report on recommendations on ethical use of AI, the Parliament’s opinion on the use of AI in culture and education as well as the Parliament’s opinion on improving the use of AI for European consumers. He also negotiates the reports contained in the legislative package “European Data Strategy”, including the Data Governance Act and the Data Act.

09.50 - 10.40

Tuesday Plenary Agenda Day 2

Panel 2: Internet Governance: Protecting Societies and Consumer Rights:

  • Safeguarding net neutrality, user well-being and internet freedom
  • Fairness: regulating dark patterns and personalised pricing
  • Tackling the societal threat of disinformation and establishing ethical boundaries in the era of deepfakes
  • Virtual worlds: avoiding past mistakes while envisioning an integrated and immersive future