
Olivier Fliche

Director of Fintech & Innovation, ACPR

Olivier Fliche is the Director of Fintech & Innovation at the ACPR, the French banking and insurance supervisory authority. He is in charge of the Fintech-Innovation Hub, which is the gateway for financial innovative project holders in the banking and insurance sectors, and coordinates with the Banque de France –the French central bank– and the French financial market supervisory authority (AMF). Together with the AMF, the Fintech-Innovation Hub steers the Fintech Forum, the body for consultation and dialogue with the French FinTech industry. Olivier Fliche is also responsible for the suptech mission of the ACPR, which aims at building on innovative technologies to improve the tools used for supervisory purposes.

Olivier Fliche started his career at the French Finance Ministry. After a secondment to the European Commission to help start the Solvency II project, he joined the supervisory authority where he held positions of Director of prudential insurance supervision and later of Director of business conduct supervision. Olivier Fliche holds a degree of the École Polytechnique and a degree of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris. He is also a qualified actuary (Institut des Actuaires).