
Dr Laura Caroli

Senior Policy Advisor, European Parliament

Laura Caroli is a Senior Policy Advisor at the European Parliament where she has worked since 2014 for MEP Brando Benifei (S&D), on whose behalf she has led negotiations on the AI Act at technical level. Experienced in Internal Market, AI, digital affairs as well as foreign affairs, defence and human rights. She previously worked at the Italian Parliament and the Italian think tank “Italianieuropei” in Rome. She holds a PhD in Geopolitics from the University of Trieste.

13.00 - 13.45

Monday TRACK I

Panel: Intersection of Tech and Existing Vertical Regulations

This panel will explore the challenges of aligning horizontal regulations, such as data privacy and AI governance, with industry-specific rules in vertical sectors. The panel aims to provide insights into navigating regulatory overlaps and conflicts while fostering innovation and ensuring compliance across diverse industries.