
Juan Ventura

Research and Patient Engagement Director, Cancer Patients Europe

Juan-Jose studied Pharmacy and obtained his PhD at the University Complutense of Madrid. He has conducted basic research in international institutions such as EMBL, HHMI, CNIO, University of Cambridge and KU Leuven. He has aimed to find target cells and molecular biomarkers that could be used for diagnosis and therapy of several cancers (Liver, Colon, Lung). After switching his career path, he moved to work as patient advocate. He has participated in more than 20 EU research projects and helped to bring the voice of patients to the latest research trends.

13:45 - 14:30


Panel: Regulating AI and Data in Healthcare

This panel will discuss the benefits of AI-driven innovations in improving patient care and medical research, while addressing challenges related to data privacy, patient safety, and ethical concerns. How can regulatory frameworks balance fostering innovation with ensuring patient protection and compliance?