
Astrid Cousin

Head of Unit 01 (Commission Priorities and Strategic Coordination), DG COMP, European Commission

Astrid Cousin is currently heading the unit in charge of Commission Priorities and Strategic Coordination (unit 01) in DG Competition. Reporting directly to the Director General, she set up this newly created unit in June 2020. Prior to this post, she was head of unit on State aid to Financial Institutions (unit D4).

From 2013 to 2018, Astrid worked as member in the cabinets of Vice-President Almunia and Commissioner Vestager, where she advised on State aid matters and competition policy at large. She joined the Commission in 2009 as a banking expert in the financial crisis task force in DG Competition. Before joining the Commission, she mainly worked in the banking sector, at Fortis Bank as Director of risk regulatory affairs, and at ABN AMRO Group, as deputy head of office of the EU Affairs department.

She graduated in Political science in France and holds a master in EU law and politics.

13:55 - 14.40

Tuesday Plenary Agenda Day 2

Panel 5: Rising up to the Challenge: Competition vs. Competitiveness

  • Antitrust: global and industry perspectives on competition policy – what can different jurisdictions learn from each other’s approaches to anticompetitive behaviour?
  • Pro-growth: How can regulatory and macroeconomic policies boost competitiveness and address market concentration?
  • What is the role of investment in “levelling up” the global tech landscape, and how can this be achieved?
  • What’s the role of “big tech” in enabling other players to thrive?