Anja Wyrobek

Legal Policy Advisor to MEP Birgit Sippel (LIBE Coordinator and former Vice-Chair of the AIDA Committee), European Parliament

Dr. Lynne Parker

Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of the AI Tennessee Initiative at the University of Tennessee and former Director of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

Ahmed Baladi

Partner and the co-chair of Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Innovation Practice Group, Gibson Dunn

Stephen Almond

Executive Director for Regulatory Risk, Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), UK

Ben Avison

Editorial and Conference Director, Cavendish Group

Werner Stengg

Member of Cabinet of EVP Margrethe Vestager - Europe fit for the Digital Age, and Commissioner for Competition, European Commission

Isidro Laso Ballesteros

Cabinet Expert at Commissioner Gabriel cabinet for Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth; European Commission