
Kristian Bartholin

Secretary to the CAI, Head of Digital Development Unit, Council of Europe

Kristian BARTHOLIN, Danish national, He holds an M.A. (Law) degree from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) (1996). He is currently Head of the Digital Development Unit, and Secretary of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) of the Council of Europe as from 2022.2012 – 2020: Deputy Head of Counter-Terrorism Division, Co-Secretary to the Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT - previously “CODEXTER”), Council of Europe ; 2008 – 2012: Administrator in Criminal Law Division, Co Secretary to the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC), Council of Europe; 2007 – 2008: Administrator in the Secretariat of the Committee for the Prevention on Torture (CPT), Council of Europe; 2003 – 2007: Seconded National Expert, European Commission, European Union; 2000 – 2003: Head of Section in the International Divisions of respectively the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry for Refugee, Immigration, and Integration Affairs, Danish Government; 1997 – 2000: Head of Section, the Asylum Department and International Affairs Department respectively of the Danish Immigration Service, Danish Government

09.50 - 10.40

Tuesday Plenary Agenda Day 2

Panel 2: Internet Governance: Protecting Societies and Consumer Rights:

  • The role of internet regulation in rebuilding trust in technology and governments
  • Safeguarding net neutrality, user well-being and internet freedom
  • Fairness: regulating dark patterns and personalised pricing
  • Tackling the societal threat of disinformation and establishing ethical boundaries in the era of deepfakes
  • Virtual worlds: avoiding past mistakes while envisioning an integrated and immersive future